
Publikační činnost:

Article: Digital Plan of Brickwork Layout for Robotic Bricklaying Technology

Authored by: Vjačeslav Usmanov; Jan Illetško; Rostislav Šulc

Academic Editor: Prof. Dr. Jozef Gašparík

Published in: Sustainability 2021, Volume 13, Issue 7, 3905 (ISSN 2071-1050) on 1 April 2021

DOI: 10.3390/su13073905

Ke stažení: Article

The trend of using modern technologies in the construction industry has been growing stronger recently, particularly in the fields of additive construction or robotic bricklaying. Therefore, specifically for the purpose of robotic bricklaying, we created a digital layout plan for robotic construction works. This article presents a universal methodology for creating a bricklaying plan for various variations of wall building systems. The method is based on the conversion of drawings from the BIM (Building Information Model) environment to the BREP (Boundary Representation) model through use of the IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format, which simultaneously divides object models into layers and connects discontinuous wall axes by means of an orthogonal arrangement and inserting details into critical structural points. Among other aspects, the developed algorithm proposes the optimal placement of the robotic system inside objects under construction, in order to minimize the distance of the robot’s movement and to reduce its electricity consumption. Digital layout plans created in this way are expected to serve as a stepping stone for robotic bricklaying.

converter; industrial robot; bricklaying; IFC; BIM; laying plan; digital plan


Odborný překlad článku: Mgr. Hana Horká a Mgr. Martin Tomeš

Zpracování zvukové anglické stopy pro VideoAbstrakt: Bc. Philip Karásek

Finanční podpora:

ČVUT v Praze, Fakulta stavební, Katedra technologie staveb
B482 - Laboratoř pro robotizaci stavebních procesů
Kontakt: vyacheslavusmanov(zavinac)gmail.com

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